
Lucenia Helm Charts

This repository contains the Helm charts for Lucenia’s products.


The Lucenia Helm chart defines resources for deploying Lucenia on Kubernetes. See the Lucenia documentation and values for more information on configuring and deploying Lucenia.


Lint and Test Charts Release Charts

Version and Branching

As of now, this helm-charts repository maintains two branches:

Contributors should choose the corresponding branch(es) when commiting their change(s):

Kubernetes Version Support


To install the Lucene Helm charts, execute the following commands:

helm repo add lucenia https://lucenia.github.io/helm-charts/
helm repo update

Once the charts repository reference is added, you can run the following command to see the charts.

helm search repo lucenia

You can now deploy charts with this command.

helm install my-deployment lucenia/<chart name>

Please see the README.md in the Lucenia directory for installation instructions.